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Lowongan Kerja Bullion Superintendent PT Meares Soputan Mining

PT Meares Soputan Mining
PT Meares Soputan Mining is developing the Toka Tindung Gold Project in Manado – North Sulawesi. Applicants see invited for the following position.


Duties & Responsibilities:
Manage and supervise the receipt of dore and evaluate melts to ensure accurate anaysis occurs. Managing all commercial aspects relating to bullion shipment and sales. This includes, but not limited to managing and coordinating off take agreement sales activities, manage and coordinated refining contracts.


  1. Tertiary degree in Metallurgy or Chemical Engineering or finance.
  2. Minimum 5 years experience in Mineral Processing production with significant exposure to gold operation and management experience.
  3. Commercial background with financial analysis skills.
  4. Good communication English skills both written and oral.
Only applicants with the above requirements will be considered. Please submit your application letter and put the positron above on your subject application letter with your CV and recent photograph, not later than April 23th 2011 to:
PT BOX 1550 Manado
Or email to:
Maximum file attachment by email: 250 kb.

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