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Lowongan Kerja Cirebon Power Services

Cirebon Power ServicesPT Cirebon Power Services, an Operating &Maintenance of 1 x 660 MW Cirebon Coal Fire Power Plant located at Jl. Raya Cirebon – Tegal Km. 8.5, Kanci Kulon, Astanajapura Cirebon 45181, currently we are looking for a candidate to fill vacant position as :


  • Holding minimum Senior High School Mechanical/ Manufacturing 
  • Good skill of computer MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel)
  • Good common of speaking, reading and writing in English
  • Having Minimum 3 years experience as Workshop Technician
  • Capable to operate (Lathe machine, Milling machine, cutting machine, drilling machine, oxy-acetylene / electric welding machine)
  • Familiar with all precision measuring tools
  • Ability to perform maintenance on all machining equipment
  • Ability to read and interpret of technical drawings
  • Ability to work with minimal technical supervision
  • Ability to instruct and aid machinist at lower entry level machining
  • Domicile in West Java area (Cirebon is preferred)

  • Male/ Female 
  • Degree in Law or Social Science or any discipline
  • Minimum 5 years experiences for the Chief level
  • Strong knowledge of General Affairs practices, Budgeting, License, Maintenance
  • Company Asset, Handling Procurement Job, policies, procedures and systems
  • Strong coaching, interpersonal, analytical and time management skills
  • Highly developed communication and presentation skills
  • Advance in English (both oral and written) and computer skills
  • Possess good attitude and sense of urgency
  • To Be Located in Cirebon
Salary and Benefit: The company will provide excellent remuneration and benefits package.
Send your application letter and CV not later than end of April 2011 to:
E-mail : recruitment_cps@cpservices.co.id

Write the position you apply for in the subject of your email.

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