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Lowongan Kerja NYK Line Indonesia

NYK LineNYK Line Indonesia provides the best possible logistic solutions to satisfy present customer's logistical needs which are becoming more complicated in proportion as the business process of sourcing, manufacturing, and marketing extends more to a global context. The NYK Group has a perfect lineup of logistics business units inside every field of transportation (sea,land,air), forwarding, warehousing, distribution and other logistics services.

Each unit is a specialist with long and rich experience of supporting the customer, taking the leading position in sea, land and air transportation.

Sales (Jakarta Raya)

  • Male / Female 
  • Age Max 28 years old
  • Hold S1 degree
  • Minimum 1 year experience in shipping business
  • Able to work on team and individually
  • Good communication and negotiation skill
  • Computer literacy is a must
  • Fluent in English, both oral and written
  • Have driving license (SIM A) and able to drive a car will be an advantage
Please send your complete CV & recent photograph to:

HR & GA Dept.
Plaza BII, Tower 2, 17th floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 51. Jakarta. 10350

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