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Lowongan Kerja Procurement Officer - PT Henkel Dongsung

We are the chemical company for Industrial Adhesive Shoes for the unique purposes and speciality of each type of shoes. We provide tailor-made products for your factory with highly accumulated experience and know-how as a worldwide leader in shoe adhesive industries. With the increasing growth, we invite you to join our team as:

Procurement Officer
  • D3 or Bachelor Degree from reputable university
  • Familiar with Inventory Control and Management
  • Have a good knowledge in Warehouse Management such as 5S, Fifo system and etc.
  • Able to understand English in Writing and Oral
  • Have a good knowledge with ISO
  • Good in Excell, Word and Power Point
  • Can work independent without supervision
  • Pro-active and good in doing analytical
If you are ready to face the challenge, please send your application letter, CV and the latest photograph to:
PT Henkel Dongsung
Jl. Raya Pajajaran No. 121
Desa Gandasari Kec. Jatiuwung
Tangerang 15137

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