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Lowongan Kerja Wilo Pumps Indonesia

Wilo PumpsPT Wilo Pumps Indonesia is a representative office of one of the biggest pump in the world. The company established in Indonesia since year 2002. We have two kinds of pumps which are household pump and commercial pump. WILO, EMU, SALMSON, and Marther & platt are our product brands. Our commercial pumps installed in many famous building in the worlds such as Mulia Hotel , ITC Permata Hijau, Gading mediterania apartment, etc. Besides building, our pumps also installed in PDAM, CPO factory and many Government projects. Regarding household pump, we already have good market share and you can find easily our pump for jet pump, shalow pump in pump market such as Pasar Kenari, Glodok, etc,

Qualification :

  • Bachelor degree / Diploma majoring in Electrical/Electronic/Mechanical/Shipbuilding 
  • Have experience in Water Pumps and Construction field
  • Able to work out of Jakarta
  • Willing to work in flexible hours
  • Able to speak English
  • Conscientious and persistent
If you are interested in taking up alove challenging career, Please submit your Aplication Letter and CV to:

Email: pump.hrd@gmail.com

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